Pokémon GO/인그레스(Ingress)

Discoverie Anomaly Series

얼룩염소 2023. 10. 30. 12:21

NIA has confirmed detection of a 5-Phase Discoverie Anomaly Series:

Discoverie Anomaly Series 5-Phase Structure Visualization

Phase 1: 14 Oct 2023

Primary Site: Madrid, Spain
Satellite Site: Taichung, Taiwan
Satellite Site: Curitiba, Brazil
Phase 2: 15 Oct to 17 Nov 2023

Global Operation: “Discoverie Kinetic Challenge”
Phase 3: 18 Nov 2023

Primary Site: Bangkok, Thailand
Satellite Site: Palermo, Italy
Satellite Site: Atlanta, GA, USA
Phase 4: 19 Nov to 15 Dec 2023

Global Operation: “Discoverie Reclaimer Challenge”
Phase 5: 16 Dec 2023

Primary Site: Honolulu, HI, USA
Satellite Site: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Satellite Site: İzmir, Turkey

Discoverie Anomaly Series medal

Onsite Anomalies (Phases 1, 3 and 5):

Any Agent who has interacted with 5 or more NIASection14-deployed Battle Beacons to Discoverie Anomaly Zones will earn the in-app Discoverie medal. Agents are considered interacting with a Battle Beacon if they:

Deploy or Upgrade Resonator (note: upgrading one’s own Resonators does not count)
Attack or Destroy Resonator
Destroy Portal Mod
Destroy Link
Recharge Resonator (note: this includes Remote Recharge)
This medal will be awarded after an Agent has reached 5 qualifying Battle Beacon interactions. Agents who have already earned the in-app Discoverie medal in an earlier event phase or site will not receive a second Discoverie medal.

An Discoverie Agent Stat will be added to your Agent Profile for the duration of the Discoverie Anomaly Series to help you monitor your individual progress.

Global Operations (Phases 2 and 4):

Any Agent who completes the minimum contribution towards the Global Operation (30 or more Kinetic Programs claimed in Phase 2, 100 or more Machina Portals Reclaimed in Phase 4) will earn the in-app Discoverie medal.

An Discoverie Agent Stat will be added to your Agent Profile for the duration of the Discoverie Global Operations to help you monitor your individual progress.

## Linking under Fields Links shorter than 8km in length can be created under Fields during the following periods: - from Friday, 13 Oct 2023 1700 UTC to Monday, 16 Oct 2023 1700 UTC - from Friday, 17 Nov 2023 1700 UTC to Monday, 20 Nov 2023 1700 UTC - from Friday, 15 Dec 2023 1700 UTC to Monday, 18 Dec 2023 1700 UTC
